Tuesday, May 29, 2007

how to decode del.icio.us's captcha

This is a uncompleted script, maybe you can help me to finish it.

I try to decode the del.icio.us's captcha with the next php script.



Sunday, May 27, 2007

a Zend Filter for FullShape to HalfShape

Some Chinese PHP Programers maybe need such a Zend filter to help them finish the string converting of Fullshape(全角) to HalfShape(半角), so see the next code:

Saturday, May 26, 2007

How to use code highlighter in blogger?

Because the blogger will auto replace "\n" to "<br />", so maybe you will found your Code Syntax Highlighter should not work again, but it is easy to resolve this problem.

find the javascript file named "shCore.js", at the last few lines, you will found


you need insert the next line before it:

element[propertyName] = element[propertyName].replace(/<br \/>/g,"\n");

it will reformat the data in your textarea before transform it to the highlighter.

PHP Random String Function